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更新时间:2025-03-10 19:53:34

sense organ

英 [sens ˈɔ:ɡən]

美 [sɛns ˈɔrɡən]


第三人称复数:sense organs

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1. an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation

Synonym: sensory receptorreceptor

1. 感觉器官;感官
Your sense organs are the parts of your body, for example your eyes and your ears, which enable you to be aware of things around you.

sense organ的近义词

1. 感觉器官:南风 (Notus) 吹一泻千里深秋落叶,Eosphorus (the Morning Star) 正是清新破晓星晨的东风 稍不留神的人们,感觉(sense)与感觉器官(sense organ)有误,即会有身体不适 姑且只得依赖司内脏气官健康的希腊女神Carna (a Roman goddess;

2. 感觉瀑:sense of smell 嗅觉 | sense organ 感觉瀑 | sensible heat 可感热

3. 感器:sense of vision 视觉 | sense organ 感器 | sense rna 感觉rna

Will be the modern people by the visual sense organ 3D three-dimensional world, by the visual sense organ three Uygur three-dimensional future.(是现代人以视觉感官3D立体世界、以视觉感官三维立体未来。)
The experiments as follows are done:(1) Space of magnetism sense organ and needle valve is measured.(本课题进行了以下设计与试验:(1)测定磁感喷油器的磁敏元件和挺杆之间的最佳间隙。)
It can improve the function of inner organs, sense organ and the nerve center of the human body.(提高人的内脏器官、感觉器官、神经中枢功能。)
The effective statistics treatment of the results by sense organ taste was discussed with examples.(以实例讨论了感官品评结果的有效统计处理。)
The human eye is the important sense organ.(眼睛是人类获得外界信息的重要感觉器官。)
The results showed that the products had good evaluation of sense organ, and more nutritions. The production cost was low.(结果显示:产品感官评定良好,营养丰富,成本低廉,其生产工艺简单易行。)
She also as if break relations with this sense organ world.(她自己也似乎与此感官世界脱离关系。)
However, can we receive music only rely on our sense organ such as ears and mouth?(但是音乐仅仅只能依靠“耳朵”和“嘴巴”这类感觉器官来接收音乐进而表现音乐吗?)
In the past, the human's sense organ is a gateway, and true existence goes to our innermost existence through our sense organ.(在过去,人们的感官是门户,真实的存在就是通过我们的感官到达我们内心深处的存在。)
But what is different from visual illusion is that the cognition illusion is not caused by sense organ essentially.(然而,与视错觉不同的是,认知错觉从本质上来说并非由感官造成的。)
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